10 способов научиться слушать партнера

11 апреля 2015

10-sposobov-nauchitsya-slushat-partnera.0Communication is a road with two opposite lanes. When communicating with a partner, do you really listen to him carefully, or are you just waiting for an opportunity to speak out?

Has your partner complained that you can’t hear him? It’s not a hearing problem, it’s your inability to listen . We will teach you how to become a good listener.

One of the problems that many couples face is poor communication. This happens when partners cannot correctly and clearly express their thoughts and feelings, or when they do not pay due attention to what they are told.

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Listen to your Partner


Regardless of the reasons, the inability to listen to a partner can lead to big problems. Even if only one of you is not up to the task, it can still lead to tension in the relationship or even break it up.

Communication plays a very important role in a relationship. If a couple is not able to cultivate the ability to communicate with each other, then such a relationship will not last long. And we are talking not only about the need to talk, but also about the ability to hear the thoughts and opinions of a partner.

In addition, you need to be aware of the needs of your significant other, if he does not speak about them out loud, then he shows them in some other way or on an emotional level. If, despite all the signs, you still cannot understand what he / she needs, then the problem is with you and your ability to listen and hear.

Not only to hear the words spoken by the mouth, but also to understand their meaning, taking it to heart. You don’t need to take everything literally, you need to be able to read between the lines.

What is the partner trying to say?

To be a good listener, you need to be aware of the things your partner is worried about. It would be better to know in advance what your loved one wants to talk about. We have millions of thoughts to discuss, and there are topics that are close to many people in a relationship.

# 1 Внимание к деталям. Это могут быть вопросы, связанные с домашними хлопотами, просьбы о помощи или даже краткое описание того, как прошел день. Эти детали могут показаться маловажными, но факт того, что вы уделяете им внимание, помогает сохранить отношения. Если же баш любимый почувствует, что все его мелкие просьбы или просто слова игнорируются, то это может очень сильно ранить, намного сильнее, чем можно предположить.

# 2 Чувства партнера. Некоторые люди предпочитают не говорить открыто о своих эмоциях, но ваш друг наоборот — может этого хотеть. Если он/она думает, что его чувства не ценят, то он может обидеться и подумать, что его игнорируют. Разговоры о чувствах – это определенный риск, но также это и привилегия. Знание о чувствах любимого человека, делает связь между вами еще крепче, помогает узнать друг друга лучше.

10-sposobov-nauchitsya-slushat-partnera# 3 Сомнения. Проблемы с коммуникацией могут быть наименьшим злом. Один из вас, возможно, хочет высказать свои сомнения об отношениях, но из-за безразличия со стороны второго он/она может подумать, что его сомнения и чувства никому не нужны.

#4 Complaining. Even if it looks like whining, all complaints come from the fact that, in his / her opinion, you are doing something wrong. If you listen carefully , you can understand whether the complaints are fair or not, whether you need to change something in yourself or not. If the complaints are groundless, then you can justify yourself and solve the problem together.

#5 Appreciation. The most painful way to ignore your partner is not to listen to their declarations of love. They compliment you or tell you how much they love you and you don’t listen. And when he realizes that you are ignoring him and all his efforts, then this leads to relationship problems.



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